rhizomatic internodes

w/ Welia & Ambient Animal

di 28062220:00 frei DJ
rhiz resident dj team Welia & Ambient Animal will guide you through the night. Expect music from different angles, between tender and hard.
Alexandra aka Welia is part of viennese label sama recordings and has her own bi-monthly show on Malmö based Retreat Radio. Her dj performances show an innate sensitivity towards selecting and combining various directions in and beyond electronic music.
Ambient Animal
Music conaisseur, dj, producer, event host and sama recordings label founder Ambient Animal lives and works in Vienna. Since May 2018 he hosts and curates his own Radio Ragweed show on London based community station Threads*. Musical styles or genres don’t matter to him. Through listening or dancing to music, sudden emotions like excitation or comfort can arise that are capable of shifting your current mood to another horizon. In constant search for sonorical wonderland. Grounded and spiralled out of control. The journey continues.
free admission
kindly supported by Vienna Business Agency