RAEIN // Loser Year // Love Embassy

sa 27042419:30 Live
Hardcore For The Losers show :
After 9 years and a sold-out concert at Venster99, the legendary super screamo power RAEIN are back in Vienna. Definitely one of the classics of Italian hardcore/punk . For the all fans of the archetypal screamo sound popularized by Gravity Records in the late ’90s and who can’t get over it that the Orchid, Saetia and Pg. 99 era is over.
Support by Linz – Vienna connection : LOSER YEAR and LOVE EMBASSY
Timetable :
22:00 RAEIN
Tickets info :
If you are afraid that you will be left without a ticket you can freely reserve your golden ticket through
🪄🪄🪄 hardcoreforthelosers@gmail.com 🪄🪄🪄
and you are settled.
Entry price is 20 €.