Mala Herba: Wounded Healer release show & Guests

Mala Herba and Sounds Queer? cordially invites you to a carefully curated night of dark arts.

sa 28092420:00 Abendkassa Live

Darja Kazimira Zimina
Lutzz Bog.: Mycelilal Voice [performance]
Mala Herba: Wounded Healer AV [live]
Rebel Yell [live]

mehr infos

Darja Kazimira

(Kazimir; Darja-Kazimira Zimina) is a musician, improviser, and artist of Latvian origin (Jelgava), who lives and works in Georgia (Tbilisi).
The main area of ​​the artist’s research lies in the concept of „ritual“ and its paradoxes: taboo, sacralization of violence, principles of erecting a sacred space and initiation, spiritualization of madness, stigma, etc. All these concepts are adapted here through the artist’s body and states of consciousness, with the help of painful, traumatic, transformative bodily practices and mental ones, which later take the form of music, video art, or photographs. Sometimes this process is entirely based on classical mystery patterns, and sometimes it takes on a personal form of interpretation. Also, an integral part of the artist’s search is their agender identity and the search for the boundaries of self-determination, self-splitting, and mythologization within the framework of the above-mentioned practices.

Mycelila voice

 – micro-voltage fluctuations of the mushroom mycelium resonate into the mechanics of the human vocal folds. merged in their bodies through the corporeality of sound a trans-species-cyborg-flash is formed for sounding.
lutzz&bog. is a dependent transdisciplinary artist. b’s recent works focus on fungi, biodata sonification, the corporeality of sound, collectivity, connectivity, radical rest, and playful system changes. b worked on several art research projects and spaces, engaging in alternative working, and learning methods in collaborative situations. usually working with time-based mediums on semi- and impermanent platforms, lutz is always preparing for a potentially different society to come.

Zosia Holubowska

The new multi-sensory performance of the sound artist and activist Zosia Holubowska sees their next incarnation as a Wounded Healer. The performance heralds Mala Herba’s sophomore album to be released by the Polish label White Forest Inc. in September 2024. The performance has been developed in collaboration with Alma Bektas (scenography and costume) and Joanna Zabielska (live visuals). The original archetype of a wounded healer comes from Greek mythology and the story of a wounded yet immortal centaur Chiron. It refers to using one’s trauma and pain as knowledge on how to help others.


Australian-based artist, REBEL YELL has been crafting fierce bangers for the tender-hearted since 2016. Her forthcoming album DESOLATION retains the driving, dance-ready focus of her first two records Hired Muscle (2018) and Fall From Grace (2020), while pushing the boundaries of her signature sound with hardened electronics. Beyond the beats and melodies, DESOLATION’s essence lies in REBEL YELL’s introspective lyrics which wade through the discomfort of living with oneself while in search of authenticity and inner peace. It’s a profound journey into the human experience and is a testament to REBEL YELL’s resilience and vulnerability.