Ptakh_Jung is a Kyiv based duo which creates music on the edge of classical, electronic, post-rock, ambient, elements of grunge and noise. They define their style as post-classical and electronic impressionism. Two performers on stage: keyboardist Anton Dehtiarov and guitar player Volodymyr Babushkin, draw the audience into profound music trips full of drama and cinematographic suspense. Ptakh_Jung’s tracks are made of rich keyboard sequences, electronic rhythms, intensive guitar drive, and experimental noises. The atmosphere of the show greatly toned up with visual art by artist Reinish also performed live.
20:00 – 20:30 – Special mix from ABCD vinyl only.
20:30 – 22:00 – Ptakh_Jung & Reinish Live.
Ticket info:
You can pay how much you want on the day of the concert.
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supported by MA7