ABGESAGT! liccht pres. KA BAIRD (US /RVNG Intl) live

Body music and advanced vocal techniques. Ka Baird, founding member of Chicago avant-garde band Spiers That In The Sunset Rise, is a voice that is very, very many.

di 17052220:30 VVK + Abendkassa Live


Ka Baird is an American artist, multi-instrumentalist, producer and performance artist based in New York. Baird is known for her raw, ecstatic and borderline live performances, which often involve energetic and experimental body movements, vocal and microphone techniques with flute playing. 2019 saw the release of the second solo album “Respires‘, and the first on RVNG: body music and advanced vocal technique, as Baird calls it.
Ka Baird, founding member of Chicago avant-garde band Spiers That In The Sunset Rise, is a voice that is very, very many. A kind of choir with divided roles like shouting, speaking, panting, panting, and yes, singing. In addition, flute sounds like minimalist ethnological folklore studies, in a flowing transition to electronic or electro-acoustic sounds, here and there a drum kit (Greg Fox) speaks up. With Ka Baird, repetition has less of a ritual than an exploratory character, it is a space-creating part of the experimental setup in which the limits of one’s own body and the respective piece are explored. The supposedly ruthless way in which Ka Baird makes herself wholeheartedly a part of her music reliably prevents her explorations from being misinterpreted as an aloof cerebral affair. And you can stand out with this music, you have to see it!

Presale: 13 EUR  – https://ntry.at/kabaird/performances
Doors: 15 EUR




