Vienna Hardcore

sa 12072520:00 VVK + Abendkassa Live
Karl Buechner from Earth Crisis and his Freya will play a small venue gig in Vienna. There is nothing more to add, just grab your Ticket [in bio] and see you on July 12th at Rhiz.
p.s. You can watch new episode of the @hardlorepod with Karl from yesterday. Great one.
FREYA (Syracuse, NY, US ○ ex Victory Records, now Upstate Records)
„Freya have a more than 20 years career and were formed in 2001 by three members of Earth Crisis’ bassist Ian Edwards, lead guitarist Eric Edwards and vocalist Karl Buechner. When Earth Crisis’ temporarily concluded, members split into three separate bands; Freya, percussionist and guitarist Dennis Merrick and Scott Crouse, respectively, formed Slave One and all five Earth Crisis members continued on with their reactivated project band, Path of Resistence.
There is a lot of Nuclear Assault in Freya. I mean, mostly the vocals because the band is a little slower and more cadenced than Nuclear Assault.“
RIG TIME (La Crosse, Wisconsin, US ○ State of Mind Recordings)
„Puncturing their blend of sludge and hardcore – with a tight embrace on powerviolence – the band kicks fast and dirgy tones, manifesting unbridled hatred. War is dripping with rage, vocals are strained and emphatic. The trio push many two-step parts spurring ill breakdowns with a groove. Noisy tones and ugly sentiment. “ @newnoisemagazine
RIYL: Xibalba, Harms Way, Weekend Nachos, Balaclava, Lowered AD, Eyes of the Lord.
SCUFFLE (Vienna)
Definitely a logical choice to open the pit. The new force of Viennese hardcore wave with their 90’s hardcore.
All ages show.