BONUS SHOW: Mugwumps, Dorkatron, Trauma Centrum

In addition to the DeeCracks Sweet Sixteen Fest at ARENA WIEN on September 19/20 - DeeCRACKS will host a BONUS SHOW at the Rhiz Vienna on the following day, September 21st.

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In addition to the DeeCracks Sweet Sixteen Fest at ARENA WIEN on September 19/20 – DeeCRACKS will host a BONUS SHOW at the Rhiz Vienna on the following day, September 21st. Come and party one more night with the following bands:

The Mugwumps
This longrunning super-trio returns to the Rhiz Vienna to amaze you all once again with their perfected ramones-core sound. One of the best punk rock bands Austria has to offer. Those who’ve seen/heard them will agree, those who haven’t should come and find out!

These geeks from Klagenfurt, Austria will give yet another lesson in pop punk to all of you. Bring your lunch money and walk the extra mile with them. #booksnotbombs

Trauma Centrum – Süd
Fresh off the bench of their ice-rink in Vienna, this pair of handsome brothers will highstick your hearts with 100+10% dipsy doodle puck rock hockey tunes. No misconducts forgiven!

After Party DJ will be none other than Stefan Tijs (Stardumb Records, Rotterdam, NL)!