Širom ever-unfolding, subtly morphing sound tapestries are created by a trio of self-taught musicians from different regions of Slovenia who, between them, expertly utilise more than a dozen instruments. Violins, rebab, balafon, kalimba, bendirs, mandolins and more meet in shifting juxtapositions throughout their often lengthy, meticulously planned compositions, played live without overdubs. Their guiding principle is to invite the intertwining of diverse musical approaches and allow imagination and craftsmanship to manifest a new universal mystical minimalism. The surreal imagery of their titles – A Washed Out Boy Taking Fossils From A Frog Shack, or Low probability of a hug – is reflected in the videos accompanying their Glitterbeat album release, A Universe that Roasts Blossoms for a Horse. Dreamlike, compelling. Familiar sounds you’ve never heard before.
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Für alle, die indoors & outdoors an den Tischen Platz nehmen möchten, gelten die bekannten Regeln: ein gültiges negatives Testergebnis, ein Impfzertifikat oder eine Bestätigung über eine durchgemachte Krankheit müsst ihr dabei haben und uns vorweisen können.
kindly supported by Stadt Wien Kultur / MA7 & SKICA